Criminal cases often result in a settlement, which is estimated to be 95% of cases. On a weekly basis we continue to successfully negotiate favorable settlements for our clients including but not limited to dismissals, lesser charges, no jail time, and related charges that will save a client’s employment or immigration status. If we are unable to successfully negotiate a settlement in your case, Mr. Dbouk has had plenty of success securing acquittals for his clients at trial as well as winning motions to suppress evidence, and securing dismissal of charges through filing of motions.Here are some of our recent litigation results:
Dbouk Law Office
Trial and Motion Results
We have successfully negotiated dismissals and achieved
favorable resolutions and verdicts for many clients.
Client was charged with attempted murder with enhancements of using a firearm and causing great bodily injury, making the client’s maximum exposure 32 years to life in prison. We took the case to trial and argued that the client only shot the alleged victim in self-defense and defense of his family. The jury deliberated for 4 days and ultimately found the client not guilty of attempted murder, saving the client from a life sentence.
Client was arrested for DUI. The DMV sought to suspend the client’s license prior to any criminal court case. We requested a hearing and challenged the basis of the stop. The officer’s statement was that the client was swerving within his lane of travel in violation of Vehicle Code Section 21658. We argued that particular statute requires the driver to cross over the lane for there to be reasonable suspicion to detain the driver. The hearing officer agreed and dismissed (set aside) the suspension order and client is now able to continue to drive his vehicle without any restrictions.
Client was charged with assaulting his spouse. Spouse’s friend came and testified against the client at the jury trial. We cross examined her and argued to the jury that her testimony is fabricated based on the lack of corroboration and her bias against the client. The jury deliberated and were ultimately deadlocked. The Court granted a mistrial and the District Attorney later dismissed the felony counts, saving the client 4 years in state prison.
Client was charged with multiple strike offenses. We filed a motion for mental health diversion. If granted, the client would continue to seek mental health treatment in the community and would stay out of prison. If the client obeyed all laws for up to a two year period, and successfully complied with his treatment plan, all charges would be dismissed without the client ever suffering a conviction. Initially, the DA opposed our motion. However, we filed a supplemental motion with additional exhibits and arguments in support of the client. Ultimately, the DA agreed and the client was accepted into the diversion program.
Client charged with misdemeanor violations of reckless driving and evading the police. We filed a motion to the court asking for diversion pursuant to Penal Code Section 1001.95. After hearing argument, the court granted our request. Now, so long as the client obeys all laws for 6 months, does a driver safety course and maintains proper licensing, his case will be dismissed without ever suffering a conviction. The arrest itself will not need to be disclosed in most job applications as well.
Client was charged with criminal threats and involuntary manslaughter. We plead not guilty and set the case for a preliminary hearing. Three detectives testified for the prosecution and we cross examined them. At the end of the hearing, the Judge found that there was insufficient evidence and dismissed both felony charges.
Client was facing 25y-life based on California’s “Three Strikes Law” due to suffering two prior strike convictions and being charged with a current strike offense. After filing several motions, and presenting oral argument to the Court, the Judge dismissed one of our client’s prior strike convictions and he is no longer facing a mandatory 25-life sentence.
Client was charged with being a felon in possession of a firearm. She also had a probation violation with 3 years and 4 months of prison time suspended. We took the case to a preliminary hearing and multiple officers testified. We thoroughly cross examined the police officers. At the conclusion of the hearing, the Judge found that there was insufficient evidence and dismissed the gun case along with the probation violation. The client was released from jail the same day.
Client was charged with criminal threats and assault with a deadly weapon. The District Attorney alleged a prior strike for Mayhem. The client’s mandatory minimum sentence was 4 years state prison because of the strike. We filed a “Romero” motion asking the Court to dismiss the prior strike enhancement in the interest of justice. The District Attorney opposed our motion. The Judge granted our motion and dismissed the client’s prior strike conviction. The client is no longer looking at a mandatory state prison sentence and is now eligible for probation and a time served offer.
Client was arrested for DUI. His blood alcohol concentration (BAC) according to the blood draw was a .21, nearly three times the legal limit. The DMV held an administrative hearing to suspend the client’s license as a result of this arrest. We challenged the sufficiency of the evidence at the administrative hearing with the DMV. After consideration, the hearing officer agreed that there was insufficient evidence that the client’s BAC was over a .08 at the time he was driving. Thus, the suspension was set aside and the client was able to keep his license without any restrictions.
Client was charged with a personal use of a firearm enhancement pursuant to Penal Code § 12022.53(b). A conviction of this offense would have added 10 years in state prison to the client’s sentence. Client decided to fight the case. Witnesses testified at the preliminary hearing. At the conclusion of the preliminary hearing, we argued that there was insufficient evidence that our client personally used a firearm within the meaning of the statute. The Judge agreed and dismissed the 12022.53(b) enhancement, saving the client from a strike conviction and 10 years state prison.
Client was charged with hit and run causing significant property damage. We gathered mitigation such as proof of work, school and character letters. We filed a motion pursuant to Penal Code § 10001.95, which if granted would allow client to earn a dismissal while maintaining a clean record. The DA opposed this motion. After hearing argument, the Court granted our motion and the client just completed his 1 year of diversion. His case was dismissed without any conviction.
Client was facing mandatory state prison time due to a prior strike conviction for assault with a firearm. We gathered mitigation and filed a Romero motion asking the Judge to strike the client’s prior strike and to allow him to serve a period of probation or rehabilitation in lieu of State Prison. The DA opposed our motion. After filing a written motion and oral argument, the Judge granted our motion and dismissed the client’s prior strike conviction.
Client was charged with a felony violation of possessing an illegal short-barreled rifle and a misdemeanor count of possession of methamphetamine. There was a substantial delay between his arrest date and his arraignment. We filed a motion to dismiss based on a violation of speedy trial rights and the Sixth Amendment. The Court granted our motion and dismissed both counts.
Client was charged with being a felon in possession of a firearm with a prior strike enhancement. Because of the prior strike, the DA’s offer involved state prison. We filed a “Romero” motion asking the Judge to dismiss the prior strike. The DA opposed the motion. The Judge granted our motion and the client was allowed to serve his time on home detention or the Sheriff’s work program.
Client was charged with illegal possession of a firearm. We challenged the validity of the Officer’s search of my client. Court granted our motion finding that the search was unlawful. Case was dismissed.
Client was driving his motorized bicycle and collided with a pedestrian. Pedestrian suffered traumatic brain injury and later died from his injuries. Client was charged with vehicular manslaughter. We took the case to jury trial. Jury found client not guilty.
911 caller tells police she sees an individual crash a vehicle into a stop sign and flee on foot. Police find client a few hundred feet away and say he matches the description that the 911 caller gave. Client’s insurance is found in the abandoned vehicle along with a cocaine pipe. Client’s blood test shows active traces of cocaine. During jury trial, the district attorney dismissed the hit and run charge. After trial the jury returned not guilty verdicts for both the DUI and possession of paraphernalia.
Client refuses to leave a business after a heated argument with the store owner. Police arrive and client initially refuses commands. The officer takes client to the ground and places him in the back of the police car. While in the back of the car, client is on camera kicking the police car window several times. Jury finds client guilty of attempted vandalism but not guilty of trespass and resisting arrest.
Client’s vehicle is involved in a car accident. Police arrive and she tells them she was driving. Police describe failed field sobriety tests. Blood alcohol level was twice the legal limit. Client was arrested for DUI. At trial, the jury could not reach a unanimous verdict so the Judge declared a mistrial. The District Attorney decided not to retry the case and dismissed it after trial.
Client and neighbor have long lasting dispute over H.O.A rules. Neighbor obtains a restraining order signed by a Judge prohibiting client from photographing neighbor or neighbor’s property. Neighbor calls police and alleges that client had his phone out and was photographing him as he arrived home from work, in violation of the restraining order. Client denies such conduct. Case goes to jury trial where neighbor testifies. Jury finds client not guilty.
Client is driving home from a concert and gets into a car accident. He panics and drives home without exchanging information. Police arrive at client’s home 40 minutes later where his blood alcohol concentration is nearly twice the legal limit. They describe poor field sobriety tests. Client is arrested for hit and run and DUI. At trial we fought the DUI but conceded the hit and run. Jury finds client not guilty of DUI.
Client and a business partner get into a heated dispute. Business partner calls police and says that client punched and head butted him in the face and broke his glasses. Client denies such conduct. He is charged with battery and vandalism. At trial, jury finds client not guilty of vandalism. Jury is hung (cannot reach decision) regarding the battery charge. DA then dismisses the battery charge after trial.
911 caller tells police that client is asleep in driver seat of her vehicle blocking the road. Police arrive approximately ten minutes later and find Client asleep in the driver seat with a .20 blood alcohol concentration. The ignition was on and client’s seat belt was on. After trial, jury finds client not guilty.
Client charged with neglecting her three dogs. A conviction of this offense would have prohibited her from owning/living with animals for 10 years. Client loves her dogs and was not willing to give them up. At trial, the jury could not reach a unanimous decision so the Judge declared a mistrial. Client was able to get her dogs back and have no restriction on her ability to have animals.
Client is in his car with his friends. They are rear ended by another car. Client had keys in his pocket and at the time told police he was driving. Police suspect he is under the influence and had him conduct field sobriety tests. Client’s blood alcohol concentration was over a .08 and he was arrested for DUI. Jury finds client not guilty.
Client was arrested for DUI. His blood alcohol concentration (BAC) was a .32, four times the legal limit. The DMV sought to suspend client’s license. We contested the suspension at an administrative hearing. We filed a motion to dismiss the suspension due to the DMV failing to act with good cause and due diligence in securing the lab results. The motion was granted and the suspension was set aside.
Client was arrested for DUI. He was located asleep in the driver seat of his vehicle with the ignition on, partially blocking the roadway. His blood alcohol concentration (BAC) was over three times the legal limit. The DMV sought to suspend his license. We requested a hearing and argued that merely being in the driver seat of a vehicle with the ignition on does not constitute driving pursuant to California law. Since the DMV could not establish an exact time of drive, we won the hearing. This was a big victory for the client since he has a commercial driver license, which would have been suspended for a year.
Our client was charged with two felony counts of assault with a deadly weapon, which are both strike offenses. He also had a prior strike conviction for burglary, which made him ineligible for probation. The District Attorney’s offer involved the client going to prison. We filed a Romero motion which the District Attorney opposed. After written briefing and oral arguments, the Judge granted our motion and dismissed the client’s prior strike conviction. The client was released from custody the same day and given a DEJ plea.
Dbouk Law Office P.C. has a proven track record of success in negotiating dismissals and favorable resolutions for our clients. We have succeeded at obtaining countless reduced charges, “not-guilty” verdicts and dismissals on our clients’ behaves.
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In our free consultation we’ll review the facts of your case, we’ll discuss strategies, likely outcomes, and Attorney Ibraham Dbouk will answer any questions that you have.
If you have been charged with a criminal offense in California, you need an attorney who knows how to fight for your rights and seek the most favorable outcome possible. Attorney Ibraham Dbouk has the experience and expertise to ensure the best possible outcome.